Day 6: Our Provision & Success
Remember the focus right now:
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…”
You have the promises and benefits of the New Covenant through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. The blessing of Abraham includes you—check out the Galatians passage in Round 1.
Warm Up:
Open your time by praying something like this:
“Lord, I am blessed! It’s all because of You! You did not hold back Jesus so I can trust you to provide for all my needs. I am under the curse. I am free! I am blessed, not cursed. I am the head not the tail. I am the top not the bottom. When I stop and consider how you have blessed me, I have so much to be grateful for! Give me opportunities to flip my blessings and bless others. Thank You for Your provision in my life!”
Round 1:
Read these passages. Write down what stands out to you from each.
Round 2:
Write out this name of God:
Jehovah-jireh = Jehovah’s provisions shall be seen
Round 3:
Every Minute on the Minute [EMOM]
Write down 10 blessings from God for which you are grateful every minute on the minute. It might be helpful to get up and walk around your house or think about these domains of life: relationships, work, hobbies, finances, health, faith, experiences, and many others.
During the days of King David, a council of Jewish rabbis prescribed the practice of reciting one hundred blessings per day to counteract a plague. Just sayin’!
Burn Out:
level up by blessing others
In your own words, ask God to give you an opportunity to bless someone today by giving something to them with no strings attached. Then keep your ears and eyes open to the opportunity God presents to you to do this during the day.
When you see the opportunity, bless that person! Maybe you give away a tool you have. Maybe you bless the car behind you in the drive-thru by paying for their order. Maybe you give someone a book that has blessed you. You are blessed to bless!