Day 5: Our Health & Healing
Remember the focus right now:
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…”
There are over 400 names for God in scripture.
Warm Up:
Open your time by praying something like this:
“Father, some trust in paychecks, others trust in people, others trust in politics, others trust in religion, still others trust in themselves. As for me, I trust in Your name! Today, I’m connecting my need for healing to You. You are my healer. I trust You to work a miracle n me and those around me—and bring healing in Your way and in Your time. Sometimes healing seems like a really bold prayer, but I trust You God. Thank you for healing me mentally, physically, relationally and spiritually.”
Round 1:
Read these passages. Write down what stands out to you from each.
Round 2:
Write out this name of God:
Jehovah-rophe = Jehovah heals
Round 3:
Write down where you are desperate for healing – either for others, or for yourself. Pray brave prayers, declaring God’s word from Round 2 for each need.
In this life your prayers for healing will not always be answered the way you hope. Don’t let that stop you from praying. God doesn’t answer 100% of the prayers you don’t pray! Unanswered prayer can be a difficult and painful thing to wrestle with. Look forward to the moment when God does intervene miraculously to bring healing. Check out the Bonus Round for extra resources.
Burn Out:
level up by REACHING OUT
Look back at Round 3 and who, in your life, needs healing. Shoot them a text or give them a call and encourage them today. Let them know that you are praying for them. Maybe share one of the passages from Round 1. If you don’t have anyone listed in Round 3, reach out to a few people and ask if they have any needs you can pray for.
Quote of the Week:
“Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God.”
If you are wanting to dig deeper into this topic, check one or both of these books:
God on Mute by Pete Greig
Whisper by Mark Batterson