Day 3: Connect God’s Name to Your Need
Who is with you on this journey?
“Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name…”
Hallowed means HOLY and SACRED. Today is about connecting God’s holy and sacred name to your need—for right standing with Him.
Warm Up:
Open your time by praying something like this:
“Lord, Your name is holy and sacred. It has the power to meet my greatest need—to have my sin forgiven. Thank you for making my life right with You through the sacrifice of Jesus. I am now set apart for You. I am Yours twice. I am Yours because You created me and I am Yours because You purchased me! Now every spiritual blessing is mine because of You. Blessed be Your name!”
Round 1:
Read these passages. Write down what stands out to you from each.
Round 2:
Write out these names of God:
Jehovah-tsidkenu = Jehovah our righteousness
Jehovah-m ‘Kaddesh = Jehovah who sanctifies
Round 3:
Consider what your life was like before Jesus and what it is like now. Thank God for the difference Jesus has made and is making in your life. Thank God for creating a right relationship with Him and the capacity to create right relationships with others.
Burn Out:
level up by Giving something up today
In honor of Jesus giving up his life for your benefit, give up something you love for something you love more (Jesus). Maybe you love coffee or social media or chocolate or naps or Netflix or something else. Give that thing up for today. You got this! (If you need some extra inspiration today, read the story in the Bonus Round below.)
Quote of the Week:
“Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God.”
Bonus round:
“You belong to God because He made you, but in Christ, there is much more. You’re like the little boat that a boy loved to sail at the local lake. He’d made the boat with his own hands, and he loved it. One day a stiff wind overtook the toy vessel and blew it across the lake. The boy looked for his lost boat for weeks, until one day he saw it in the window of the local general store. He rushed to the store owner and breathlessly announced, “The boat in the window is mine!”
“I’m sorry,” the owner said. “I paid someone for it. If you want it, you’ll have to buy it.”
The boy ran home, spilled open his piggy bank, and brought every coin he owned to the store. Seeing the lad’s sacrificial commitment, the store owner sold the boat to the boy. As the child stepped onto the sidewalk, he held up his handcrafted treasure and declared, “Little boat, you’re mine, you’re mine. You’re twice mine. You’re mine because I made you and you’re mine because I bought you.”
In Christ, you’re twice God’s. You’re His because He made you and you’re His because He bought you.”
Excerpt From: Alan Wright. “Power to Bless.”