Day 2: Build Faith in Who God is.
What time are you praying? Where are you praying?
Today is about praying to strengthen our faith in who God is.
Warm Up:
Open your time by praying something like this:
“God, build my faith in You today. Confirm who You to me. Help me walk in confidence—not in who I am or what I can do—but in who You are and what You can do. You created the world and everything in it. You hold it all together. You are my only hope in this world. Thank You for Your word and how it reveals who You are!"
Round 1:
Read the following passages OUT LOUD:
Round 2:
Write down HOW the passages in Round 1 build your faith in God.
Round 3:
Talk to God about the following words that describe Him to continue to build your faith in who He is today:
One and only God
Burn Out:
10 Minute Walk:
Go for a 10 minute (or more) walk outside. Ask God to help you notice everything around you. Notice the sights, sounds, and smells. When you return, consider how all of these things declare who God is. If God is responsible for everything you experience on your walk, how is He caring for you?
Quote of the Week:
“Always pray to have eyes that see the best in people, a heart that forgives the worst, a mind that forgets the bad, and a soul that never loses faith in God.”
Bonus round:
Read the following passages to continue to strengthen your faith in God:
Psalm 90:2 / Psalm 121:1-2
Isaiah 40:12, 18, 22, 26 / Isaiah 43:1-2, 10-13 / Isaiah 45:18
Daniel 9:4
Nehemiah 1:5
Deuteronomy 4:39
2 Kings 19:15
Acts 4:24