38 / Humble
Freude, schöner Götterfunken (An die Freude or Ode to Joy) / From the Ode to Joy Series / Ernst Barlach / 1927 / Woodcut
Morning meditation
Read John 13:1-17 and 31b-35
How will you demonstrate humility like Jesus did?
What is the new commandment that Jesus has given you? How does it impact others?
—Scripture Notes and Additional Questions
Morning Prayer
This week we are asking GOD to bless every home each morning:
Lord, I invite your goodness and peace into every home, including mine! Through Your glorious, unlimited resources, empower every home with inner strength through Your Spirit. Jesus, make Your home in the hearts of each family member as they learn to trust in You. Grow their roots down into Your love and make every home strong in You. Bless every home to be a light that shines brightly to those around it.
Download this smart phone wallpaper as a reminder to pray all day long!
Today’s motivation
Humility is not thinking less of yourself, it is thinking of yourself less.
—C.S. Lewis
Day 35-40 of your goals
Make sure your daily habits are locked in so you can FINISH strong!
☑️ Emotional/Self-Denial - You only have 2 days left!
☑️ Mental/Almsgiving - You only have 2 days left!
☑️ Physical/Fasting - You only have 2 days left!
Did I say? “You only have 2 days left!”
Evening Prayer
Set an alarm for this evening so you remember to end your day with God.
Jesus, Your humility is an inspiring example. There is no way I could possibly achieve it on my own. Thank You for creating me brand new—with the heart to trust Your work in me and the grace to humbly walk toward Your destiny for my life. Your humility made a way for me. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you! Amen.
Pray that God would reach our communities this Easter. As families are focused on Jesus, pray that communities would turn to Him as well.