37 / Betray

Betrayal of Christ / Unknown Monvaerni Master / 15th century / Made in Limoges, France / Painted enamel, copper

Betrayal of Christ / Unknown Monvaerni Master / 15th century / Made in Limoges, France / Painted enamel, copper

Morning meditation

Read John 13:21-32

  • How do you think all the disciples felt to know one of them would betray Jesus?

  • What stands out to you about how Jesus interacted with Judas?

—Scripture Notes and Additional Questions

Morning Prayer

This week we are asking GOD to bless every home each morning:

Lord, I invite your goodness and peace into every home, including mine! Through Your glorious, unlimited resources, empower every home with inner strength through Your Spirit. Jesus, make Your home in the hearts of each family member as they learn to trust in You. Grow their roots down into Your love and make every home strong in You. Bless every home to be a light that shines brightly to those around it.

Download this smart phone wallpaper as a reminder to pray all day long!

Today’s motivation

You may believe in Jesus as the Son of God and the savior of your soul, but do you believe he can and will do for you all that he has promised? Are you ready to believe he can and will be with you moment by moment for the rest of your life? Are you ready to have complete faith in him, to the point of giving up all your own prejudices, desires, and fears? If you are, then get ready for the most amazing friendship you’ll ever have!

—From Author Arnold Ytreeide

Day 35-40 of your goals

Make sure your daily habits are locked in so you can FINISH strong!

☑️ Emotional/Self-Denial - Only 3 days left! You can do this!

☑️ Mental/Almsgiving - Only 3 days left! You can do this!

☑️ Physical/Fasting - Only 3 days left! You can do this!

Did I say? “You can do this!”

Evening Prayer

Set an alarm for this evening so you remember to end your day with God.

Lord, thank You for experiencing and enduring betrayal by one so close to you. Forgive me for the ways I miss the mark. Your obedience to follow through on the greatest rescue plan in the history of the world has changed my story—from a story of failure to a story of victory. Increase my trust in You and empower me to live my life for You. Amen.

You have been praying for your friends for the past six weeks! Invite some friends to join you for Easter online or in-person this coming weekend.

Week 7 Family activities

40 Day Overview

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