Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.
—ROMANS 12:2
Transformation OVERVIEW
The 40 Day Transformation is comprised of two powerful components:
Weekly Prayer THEMES
Each week of the 40 Day Transformation will be aimed at a different unifying focus. Every week will include a way for us all to pray in the same direction and an opportunity to put action to your prayers.
Personal Daily Goals/Habits
Daily habits will be every day, Monday through Saturday. Sundays will be Sabbath, celebration days. You will be challenged in four different areas of your life that correspond with the typical disciplines practiced during Lent.
Daily habits/goals cover the spiritual, emotional, mental and physical areas of your life
and correspond with the traditional disciplines practiced during Lent.
Your spiritual daily habit will focus on prayer and meditation. Each day will include a morning scripture passage to meditate on and a morning prayer. Set aside extra time to do this and plan to end your day with the evening prayer. Each day will also include a specific group of people to focus on when you pray.
Your mental daily habit is about renewing your mind and the tradition of almsgiving. Every day, you will receive a motivational quote to gain a new perspective on your life. In addition, set aside a certain amount of money each day to give away on Easter. Remember, giving away is the twin to giving up!
Your emotional daily habit is about sacrifice. For this habit, choose to give something up for all 40 days (i.e. Netflix, etc.). It should be reasonable but not easy. Try giving up something that has a stronghold in your life. It should meet this definition of sacrifice:
sacrifice: giving up something you love for something you love more.
Your physical daily habit is a two-sided habit as well. First, choose something to fast each day (like french fries or coffee). Second, choose a physical activity goal each day (for instance, walking for 10 minutes). Your goal will be to double your physical activity by the end of the 40 days. (for instance, day 1 - walk for 10 minutes, day 40 - walk for 20 minutes.)
Two family activities per week
Each week will include two family activities to learn more about the journey Jesus took to the cross. These challenges can be completed anytime during the week that works for your family.
Ready to Start?
To sign-up for daily devotional reminders:
Text: transform
To the number: 708-295-3589