35 / Hosanna

The Rocks Cry Out / Donald Kouba / 2018 / Color archival digital print

The Rocks Cry Out / Donald Kouba / 2018 / Color archival digital print

Morning meditation

Read John 12:12-16

—Scripture Notes and Additional Questions

Morning Prayer

This week we are asking GOD to bless every home each morning:

Lord, I invite your goodness and peace into every home, including mine! Through Your glorious, unlimited resources, empower every home with inner strength through Your Spirit. Jesus, make Your home in the hearts of each family member as they learn to trust in You. Grow their roots down into Your love and make every home strong in You. Bless every home to be a light that shines brightly to those around it.

Download this smart phone wallpaper as a reminder to pray all day long!

Today’s motivation

Sometimes it’s easy for us to be moved by emotions at a church service, at camp, or even when talking with friends. But being emotional about Jesus isn’t the same as having a relationship with him. It takes more. It takes a willingness to let him be Lord of your life, which means giving up all your selfishness.

—Author Arnold Ytreeide

Day 35-40 of your goals

Make sure your daily habits are locked in so you can FINISH strong!

☑️ Emotional - What did you decide to give up for these 40 days? Was it difficult but doable? Remember, you have been practicing the tradition of self-denial.

☑️ Mental - Did you set aside funds each day? Remember, you have been practicing the tradition of almsgiving. Are you ready to give on Easter?

☑️ Physical - Have you been moving each day and avoiding a certain food? Remember, you have been practicing the tradition of fasting.

Evening Prayer

Set an alarm for this evening so you remember to end your day with God.

Lord, today I remember the shouts of “Hosanna!” and “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” and “Blessed is the King of Israel!” I will not be afraid, You are my King and You have come into my heart! You fulfilled what the scriptures said and I can trust that every promise is mine because of You! Amen.

Pray that God would work in the lives of your immediate family members! Pray for each by name. Make a list if you haven’t already.

Week 7 Family activities

40 Day Overview

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