28 / Light

And Did We Not Begin With an Overabundance / Mary McCleary / 2015 / Mixed media collage on paper

And Did We Not Begin With an Overabundance / Mary McCleary / 2015 / Mixed media collage on paper

Morning meditation

Read John 3:18-21

  • When you have done something bad, did you do it in front of people or in secret?

  • How do you think God feels when we hide our sin from Him?

  • How are you choosing to live in the light rather than darkness?

  • What did Jesus say about you actually BEING light? (Hint: Check out Matthew 5:14-16)

—Scripture Notes and Additional Questions

Morning Prayer

This week we are asking GOD for Next generation leaders each morning:

Lord, raise up young people that are about Your business first. Empower them to cut their way forward by Your Spirit and grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. As they do, increase their hunger to walk in Your ways as they develop a humble, servant's heart. Motivate and inspire older leaders to passionately invest in the younger generation—creating an unstoppable force of generations working together to build Your kingdom. Amen.

Download this smart phone wallpaper as a reminder to pray all day long!

Today’s motivation

“To change is to act greater than how we feel.” Have you ever used ‘how you feel’ as an excuse? “I don’t feel like exercising today.” “I don’t feel like meditating.” “I don’t feel like reaching out to that person.” You can break a person down into four categories: Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual. So you let one vote from your emotional state override the other three parts of your well being? Enough is enough. I don’t care if you don’t feel like it. Do it anyways. It’s day one.

—today’s motivation courtesy of DJV ONFIRE

Day 23-28 of your goals

On a scale of 1-10, how is it going with each of your goals?

☑️ Spiritual - Daily time with God goal.

☑️ Emotional - Sacrifice goal.

☑️ Mental - Giving goal.

☑️ Physical - Fasting and fitness goals.

Evening Prayer

Set an alarm for this evening so you remember to end your day with God.

Lord, I believe in the name of Jesus therefore I am not condemned! Your light has come into my world! Give me a revelation of who I am in You and show me how I love Your presence more than darkness. Reveal Your heart to me and allow me to live without fear of You and with nothing to prove, nothing to hide and nothing to lose. I will live by the truth and will walk in Your light, so that I can plainly see that what I do could never be hidden from You. Amen.

Pray that God would work in our world! There are some many things in our world that we can pray for—pick a couple and get after it:

  • Poverty: More than 70 percent of people in the world own less than $10,000

  • Religious Conflict and War: Terrorism and the rise of religiously-motivated insurgent groups have forced the hand of several governments.

  • Social Polarization: Polarization has skyrocketed with the rise of social movements across the world.

  • Government Accountability: Throughout the world, political scandals have led to a distrust of government.

  • Education: Inequality between genders in specific parts of the world has emerged as a large part of the problem.

  • Food and Water: 1 in 9 people lack access to clean water across the world and the same ratio are malnourished.

  • Health in Developing Nations: Covid. Also, statistics have widely shown that access to clean and affordable living conditions has lagged in the developing world.

  • Discrimination: This covers a wide breadth of issues and takes several forms such as race, gender, wages, income inequality and education.

  • Physical Fitness: The lack of physical fitness programs and extra-curricular activities have created significant issues that could affect future health.

Week 5 Family activities

40 Day Overview

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