Day 5: Spirit Led


Write down the time and place where you are completing this Soul Workout.


Read Luke 4:1-14. Underline verse 4, verse 8, verse 10 and verse 14.

Round 1:


“Father, through this pursuit, lead me to a complete dependence on You for what I need. Just as Jesus knew His true source was You, help me wholeheartedly trust You too. Lead me to rely less and less on my own strength.”

Write this as a declaration:

I will depend on the strength of God alone.

Round 2:


“Jesus, You defeated the enemy with the Word of God. The Word is powerful to demolish the work of the enemy in my life. Lead me to use this weapon effectively to resist temptation and not give up.”

Write this as a declaration:

I will fight with the word and defeat the enemy.

Round 3:


“Holy Spirit, lead me so I know what my pursuit should look like. Lead me to what I should fast, when I should fast and how long I should fast. Fill and empower me with Your Spirit. May I see the power of Your spirit increase as You lead me!”

Write this as a declaration:

I will walk in the power of the spirit.

Burn Out:

Take a 5 minute walk outside. As you walk, think about what it might have been like for Jesus to be led by the Spirit into the wilderness for a 40 day fast. And consider what it meant for Jesus to return in the power of the Spirit. Confess to God that, above all else, you want Him to LEAD you by the Spirit through this journey and to return from this pursuit in the POWER of the Spirit.

Think of someone who you can invite to join you in your pursuit. Text or call them and invite them. If they want to join you, they can text PRAY to (708) 295 3589.

Sometime this week:

If you are able, fast this week. Choose a day and fast a meal, two meals or the whole day. During the time you would normally eat, take some extra time to focus on God through prayer or reading. If you are not sure if fasting is okay for you, consult your doctor.