Day 4: Demolish
Write down the time and place where you are completing this Soul Workout.
“Lord, experiencing opposition isn’t optional. It’s part of my pursuit. If I’m going to run after You, I will experience resistance! But I’m not going to break down, I’m going to break through. I’m not going to flee, I’m going to fight. I’m not going to lose, I’m going to win. Thank you for equipping me with weapons for the fight. They are spiritual and they are powerful. Give me the knowledge and willingness to pick up these weapons and fight through the resistance!
Round 1:
Read 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. Write out verse 4.
Round 2:
Set a timer for 3 minutes and think about where in your life you are experiencing opposition. This will likely be external. It might be circumstances, a situation, a person, or something quite different than any of those. Write down what comes to your mind.
Round 3:
Set a timer for another 3 minutes and think about where in your life a stronghold exists. This will likely be something internal. It might be a struggle, an attitude, an addiction or something quite different than any of those. Write down what comes to your mind.
Round 4:
Spiritual weapons drive back the powers of darkness, defeat our spiritual enemies, and establish heaven on earth. Our focus is prayer and fasting, but here is a list that may contain one or more weapons that you need to pick up during this pursuit. Which one do you need to add to your arsenal?
TIME with god
Burn Out:
Look over what you wrote down in Round 2 and 3 above. Pray a bold ALL CAPS prayer about these things OUT LOUD. Take authority in Jesus’ name and break the resistance, break agreement with the lie, break the foundation of the stronghold, break the influence of the opposition! This is what the beginning of freedom looks like.
“Lord, I stand on 1 Timothy 6:12 and 1 Peter 5:8-9. Strengthen me to fight with faith for the winner’s prize. I’m focused on eternal things and that means I stand against the work of the enemy in my life. I resist every attack with strong, vigorous faith in You! The battle is Yours. The victory is Yours. May I fight with You and do my part to demolish things with Your power.”
Think of someone who you can invite to join you in your pursuit. Text or call them and invite them. If they want to join you, they can text PRAY to (708) 295 3589.
Sometime this week:
If you are able, fast this week. Choose a day and fast a meal, two meals or the whole day. During the time you would normally eat, take some extra time to focus on God through prayer or reading. If you are not sure if fasting is okay for you, consult your doctor.