Day 3: Why?
Write down the time and place where you are completing this Soul Workout.
Read Mark 10:46-52. Underline or highlight what stands out to you.
Round 1:
“Jesus, You are my pursuit. Just like Bartimaeus, I have been sitting on the sideline not sure what I was waiting for. Now I know. You. When I know You are near, I can’t help but shout and say, ‘Jesus, my Messiah, have mercy on me!’ Even though many may rebuke me, and tell me to keep still and be quiet; I will keep wholeheartedly pursuing You. I will keep on shouting out all the more, ‘Messiah, You are my King!’”
Round 2:
“I’m so thankful that you have drawn me to You. I may not be blind like Bartimaeus, but I have my own struggles and challenges. Even so, I take courage, and I pursue You because You are calling me. You want to speak to me. I’m throwing everything that hinders me aside and coming to You. Give me words for how I need You to move in my life!”
Round 3:
Look back at Round 3 of Day 1. What breakthrough did you write down? This should answer the question: “Why am I praying and fasting for 20 days?”* This is what needs to motivate you to keep going when you want to quit. Are you satisfied with it? Do you want to elaborate or add to it? Re-engage with it now. Rewrite it, or draw a picture of it, or imagine it in detail. Expand on it however you feel led. Make sure it inspires you!
* This could be a specific area of your life where you need God to move. It might be developing consistency with your time with God and know Jesus better. The key is describing what is motivating you to pursue God these 20 days!
Burn Out:
“Jesus, I’ve been as clear as I can about how I need You to move in my life. Today, I will go through my day confidently trusting Your power to do this work. I may not see a difference right away, but I will keep on pursuing You. Thank you for working in my life.”
Think of someone who you can invite to join you in your pursuit. Text or call them and invite them. If they want to join you, they can text PRAY to (708) 295 3589.
Sometime this week:
If you are able, fast this week. Choose a day and fast a meal, two meals or the whole day. During the time you would normally eat, take some extra time to focus on God through prayer or reading. If you are not sure if fasting is okay for you, consult your doctor.