Day 31: Opposition
“God, opposition has been experienced by the people of God throughout history. The people of God experienced opposition throughout their story. Moses and the Red Sea. David and Goliath. Daniel and lions. Jesus and the Pharisees. The early Church and Rome. Why do I think I would be different? As I follow You, I realize that I will face opposition too. Give me the faith to trust You through it. Give me strength to hold up under pressure.
Read Nehemiah 2:19-20 and 2 Corinthians 11:24-27.
Write out the definition of opposition:
op·po·si·tion - resistance or dissent, expressed in action or argument.
Push your hands together as hard as you can and count to 15. This is what opposition feels like.
Round 3:
Look back at your plan from yesterday. What opposition do you feel coming against your plan? Do you feel opposition in other areas of your life?
Do you feel it at home?
Do you feel it at work?
Are there other areas where you feel it?
Write down the areas where you are feeling opposition.
Take some pressure off of someone you know today. Who needs a break? Who could use your help? Who is not feeling well? Who might be experiencing some opposition? Figure out how you can make their load lighter today. Make a plan and follow through with helping them.
Sometime this week:
Spend some time with God to identify your unique core values. Start by answering the following questions:
What stirs up righteous anger inside you?
What brings you the most happiness or joy?
When you look at your past experiences (timeline) what core values do you see revealed in them?
Write down any core values you see in your answers.