Day 26: Quit Trying



Watch this video:


Write out Matthew 11:29:

Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. —Matthew 11:29


There was a point where Nehemiah had to wait for the king’s response. All the planning had been done. Now it was up to God to open the door of opportunity.

Your goal today is to rest—to quit striving and place your dream in God’s hands.


Rest from thinking, talking or working on your dream today—knowing that God is at work in and around you. Pray:

Lord, I quit. I quit the damaging thought patterns that sabotage my confidence in You and in myself. I quit speaking negativity over my situation and my dream. I quit striving to make everything happen on my own. Instead, I yield my life and my desire to change the world to You. You have prepared good deeds for me to accomplish, I will wait and watch you open doors to make them happen. I trust Your timing. I trust Your hand. I trust Your plan.

Sometime this week:

Work through your past experiences (this is important to do):

  1. Create a list of the things that have impacted you the most (bonus points if you put this in a timeline format):

    • the people

    • the events

    • the challenges

    • the opportunities (doors that have opened)

  2. Highlight the painful items on your list.

  3. Identify at least three chapters to your life (but no more than six).

  4. Write down at least one life lesson you learned in each chapter.

Here’s a quick “How To” video (especially for visual learners!):