Day 27: Quit Procrastinating



Watch this video:


Read Nehemiah 2:11-20.

Write down the phrase: “So they began this good work.”


Nehemiah kept mostly to himself even when he arrived in Jerusalem. He kept God as the focus and trusted Him. And after three days, he started to make a move. Pray:

God, You go before me and you defend me. You see the trouble in the world that I want to tackle. I commit to rebuilding a small part of the world. May Your gracious hand be on me and the work I am starting. God of heaven, you have anointed me. Help me each step of the way. You are my victory and I put my plans in Your hands.

Round 3:

Listen to this song:


Nehemiah took a ride around the walls of Jerusalem to assess the damage. He took a few others with him. Take 10 minutes to get outside today. Take a walk and quietly think about how God is walking just ahead of You, preparing the way. Consider the “few others” that can be a support system to you. Finish your walk thanking God for never leaving you alone.

Sometime this week:

Work through your past experiences (this is important to do):

  1. Create a list of the things that have impacted you the most (bonus points if you put this in a timeline format):

    • the people

    • the events

    • the challenges

    • the opportunities (doors that have opened)

  2. Highlight the painful items on your list.

  3. Identify at least three chapters to your life (but no more than six).

  4. Write down at least one life lesson you learned in each chapter.

Here’s a quick “How To” video (especially for visual learners!):