Day 25: Quit Talking


“Small dreams have a surprising power of launching us out of waiting and into creating.” Liz Bohannon


Watch this video:


Write out the following phrases:

MY GOAL is not to end up somewhere,
my goal is to end up somewhere on purpose.

Don’t talk a big talk, dream a small dream.


Read Proverbs 17:27-28 and Jeremiah 9:23-24


There’s no record of Nehemiah talking to many people before he presented his plan before the king. Actually, the only one we know he talked to is God. He didn’t dream about being a king. He simply wanted to go back to Jerusalem for a construction project. He kept positive about his mission because he knew who who was and who he served.

Are you sabotaging the mission God has for you with your words? Do your words dismiss what He wants to do in and through you? What are some words you need to quit using and what are some words you need to remember? Write this all down.


Three times today (morning, mid-day, evening), look over what you wrote in Round 3 above and your notes from Day 21—take a moment to pray the following prayer over your mission (keep your journal handy and write down anything that comes to you before, during, or after praying):

God, keep the fire burning in my heart for the mission You have for me. As I come before You, fill my mind with words that propel me into Your plan for me. I don’t want to dream so big that I never start moving. I want to move at the appropriate pace. Open small doors, give me favor with a few, and allow me to connect with the right people at the right time. May Your words replace my words. Give me ears to hear what you are speaking to me. I’m listening.

If you didn’t complete Day 21, take a stab at writing out a statement that describes the way you feel God wants you to change the world and complete the Burn Out.

Sometime this week:

Work through your past experiences (this is important to do):

  1. Create a list of the things that have impacted you the most (bonus points if you put this in a timeline format):

    • the people

    • the events

    • the challenges

    • the opportunities (doors that have opened)

  2. Highlight the painful items on your list.

  3. Identify at least three chapters to your life (but no more than six).

  4. Write down at least one life lesson you learned in each chapter.

Here’s a quick “How To” video (especially for visual learners!):