Day 15: Active Recovery Part 2


Today is the Second of two ACTIVE RECOVERY days in a row. Active recovery is a less intense day but still productive.

If you are behind in the workouts, use today to go back and catch up.

Either way, take some time to evaluate your energy level in four distinct areas:

  1. Physical Energy: How much energy do you have to accomplish physical tasks today?

  2. Emotional Energy: How much energy do you have to relate to other people today?

  3. Mental Energy: How much energy do you have to problem-solve or create today?

  4. Spiritual Energy: How much energy do you have for your relationship with God today?

Pay attention to the area you feel the most empty. What do you need to do this week to fill that tank? Write down a few ideas.

Write out this prayer:

“God, I feel most empty in [name the area], but that is no surprise for You. Provide opportunities for me to refill this area of my life this week. I can’t run on empty. I need you to strengthen me and refresh me. Thank you for being with me in my emptiness and not leaving me alone. I trust You. Amen.” —[Sign Your Name]

Look at your calendar for the coming week. Make sure you have your time with God plotted out and protected.

Optional Bonus Round:

Here are some passages we touched on this week. Look some or all of these up and read through them again.

Nehemiah 1:6

1 Peter 4:10-11

Romans 7:21-25

Romans 6:1-14

Ephesians 2:8-10

Esther 4:10-14

Nehemiah 1:11

John 14:16-17

Acts 1:8

2 Corinthians 1:21-22