6 / God Deals
Soar on Wings Like Eagles / Maha Rukab / 2019 / Acrylic on cardboard
Morning meditation
Read Genesis 9:12-17
In your estimation, how much does God value a covenant that He agrees to?
How long is the covenant in this passage?
When is the last time you saw a rainbow?
What did you think of when you saw it?
—Scripture Notes and Additional Questions
Morning Prayer
This week we are asking GOD for holy spirit power each morning.
Holy Spirit, You are with me today. You are my helper. Will and work in me today to fulfill Kingdom purposes. Fill me with power to overcome temptation and push back the darkness so the Father’s will is done in my life and those around me. Bring healing, freedom and victory to my soul by Your power in my life. I will see victories in my life, not because of my strength, but because of Your power at work within me.
—Adapted from john 16:7; Philippians 2:13; Acts 1:8
Download this smart phone wallpaper as a reminder to pray all day long!
Today’s motivation
God graces you with the convicting, sight-giving, desire-producing, and strength-affording presence of the Spirit. God knew that your need as a sinner was so great that it was not enough for him to just forgive you; he had to come and live inside you or you would not be what you have been re-created to be or do what you have been reborn to do.
—Adapted from new morning mercies, january 7, paul david tripp
HIT Your Goals Today
Set yourself up to keep your habits going this week.
☑️ Emotional - Sacrifice giving up something you love for something you love more.
☑️ Mental - Giving away is the twin of giving up. Keep saving!
☑️ Physical - Keep that combination of fasting and fitness going!
Evening Prayer
Set an alarm for this evening so you remember to end your day with God.
Lord, thank you for another day to live for you. Your Spirit is guiding me each step of the way. Give me eyes to see how to be light in dark places. Adjust my desires to align with Yours. Strengthen my heart for the road ahead. Thank you for re-creating me and empowering me to walk out Your plan for my life. Amen.
Pray for your neighbors who live to your left, right, in front, in back, above and below. Pray for each by name if you know it.