31 / Losing
Ladder of Virtues (also referred to as Jacob’s Ladder) / Unknown Artist / 16th c. / Stone reliefs / West facade of Bath Abbey
Morning meditation
Read John 12:20-33
What stands out to you about this intense passage?
What is the hardest part of this passage for you?
What does it mean to you to lose your life but gain eternal life?
—Scripture Notes and Additional Questions
Morning Prayer
This week we are asking GOD for a Heart for our community each morning:
Thank you, Heavenly Father, for where you have placed me at this time. Where I live is no accident. My neighborhood is my mission field, and I declare that this community will be saturated with the love of Jesus. The lies of the enemy have no power here. Uncover a love, in me, for my neighbors that shines in the darkness. Stir the hearts of those that live here to defend the weak and forgotten. Connect younger generations with older generations. Create every home to be a safe haven of friendship, kindness, and compassion. May no one in this community go hungry. May no one go unnoticed. Transform lives in my community. Help me change the atmosphere in my community in the name of Jesus. Amen!
Download this smart phone wallpaper as a reminder to pray all day long!
Today’s motivation
“Don’t negotiate with yourself.” Ever have this conversation? “I’ll start after work.” “I’m tired now but I’ll start after dinner.” “I’ll just do a little bit before bed and then wake up early.” “I’ll hit snooze and do it after work.” Repeat. This could be exercise, writing, meditating, organizing, job hunting, etc. DON’T NEGOTIATE! IF YOU SAY, I’LL START AT 5 AND DO IT ALL WEEK THEN START AT 5 AND DO IT ALL WEEK. Think about what else you negotiate with yourself. I bet you lose that negotiation 90% of the time. Just do it!
Day 29-34 of your goals
Keep going on your goals. We have less than two weeks left!
☑️ Emotional, Mental, Physical Goals - After defining your why and trusting that you can accomplish your goals with God’s help, make sure you have some milestones set. Especially as we close in on Day 40! Maybe your next milestone is getting to Day 32 or Day 35 or just getting through today! Big goals can feel daunting. You have some wins under your belt, so keep your energy up and finish strong!
Evening Prayer
Set an alarm for this evening so you remember to end your day with God.
God, I am challenged by Your words in John 12. I don’t want to love my life and lose it. In my mind, I want to hate my life in this world and keep it for eternal life instead. Help my actions follow through on this! I will follow you and serve you. I want to be where You are! I am humbled to know that God honors me as I serve You! This is really hard to fathom. Help me to trust it! Amen.
Pray that God would heal Atlanta, GA and Boulder, CO. These communities are experiencing incredible tragedy that is senseless and evil. Stand in the gap for them and pray bold prayers!