26 / Gifted

Parable of the Ten Virgins / Jorge Cocco Santángelo / 2016 / Oil on canvas

Parable of the Ten Virgins / Jorge Cocco Santángelo / 2016 / Oil on canvas

Morning meditation

Read Ephesians 2:4-10

  • How did God show his love for you? (Hint: verse 4)

  • How do you feel about getting a free gift from God?

  • Have you received this gift? When?

If you or someone you know wants to receive this gift, pray:

Lord, I have sinned against You. I deserve death, but You offer me eternal life as an undeserved gift through the life, death and resurrection of Jesus. You said that if I confess with my mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in my heart that You raised him from the dead, I will be saved. This gift You give me moves me from being spiritually dead to spiritually alive. I get a new nature, a new heart and a new future! I surrender my life to You. Thank you for this gift. Lead me, I will follow!

If you prayed this prayer, tell someone!

—Scripture Notes and Additional Questions

Morning Prayer

This week we are asking GOD for Next generation leaders each morning:

Lord, raise up young people that are about Your business first. Empower them to cut their way forward by Your Spirit and grow spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. As they do, increase their hunger to walk in Your ways as they develop a humble, servant's heart. Motivate and inspire older leaders to passionately invest in the younger generation—creating an unstoppable force of generations working together to build Your kingdom. Amen.

Download this smart phone wallpaper as a reminder to pray all day long!

Today’s motivation

“Grace is not meant to free us from obeying the heart of God. Grace is the nutrient-rich soil that seeds of truth drop into so they’re not choked out by the self-condemnation of failure. Instead, no longer afraid of God’s disgust, we can obey God from the heart rather than from compliance. And we grow into a beautiful, healthy tree that gives shade to others.”

—today’s motivation courtesy of john lynch speaks

Day 23-28 of your goals

Keep going on your goals. We only have a few weeks left! Let’s focus on a different goal each day this week…

☑️ Fasting - How are you doing with avoiding a food-related item for 40 days? Let your desire remind you of how much more you need God in your life.

Evening Prayer

Set an alarm for this evening so you remember to end your day with God.

Lord, because of Your great love and mercy for me, You made me alive with Christ even when I was dead in my sin—it is by Your undeserved favor that I have been saved. You raised me up with Christ and seated me with him in the heavenly realms. You did this to show the incomparable riches of Your grace, expressed in Your kindness to me in Jesus. For it is by grace that I have been saved, through faith—not from myself, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that I could never boast. I am Your handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which You prepared in advance for me to do. This blows my mind. Amen.

Pray that God would work in your community! What does it need? Pray specifically. Pray for each by name. Make a list if you haven’t already.

Week 5 Family activities

40 Day Overview

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