21 / Foolishness
Jacob’s Ladder / Gerry Judah / 2017 / 480 lengths of square-sectional steel
Morning meditation
Read 1 Corinthians 1:21-25
Why does God’s plan seem foolish to some people? What are they looking for?
Have you encountered people that have those same arguments?
How does God’s wisdom and strength compare to yours?
—Scripture Notes and Additional Questions
Morning Prayer
This week we are asking GOD for a heart for missions each morning:
Wake me up, Lord, when I am too pleased to only be concerned with my own world. When my dreams are focused on what I can see because I am nearsighted. When I arrive safely because I sailed too close to home.
Wake me up, Lord, when the abundance of things I possess robs my thirst for others to find You. Having fallen in love with my own life, I have ceased to dream outside the borders of my comfort zone. And in my efforts to build a perfect life, I have allowed my vision of all nations worshipping You to dim.
Wake me up, Lord, to pray more boldly, to expand my heart across the seas. Where missionaries do the deep and lonely work of reaching those far from You. Where they lose sight of their home land, but find true life in seeing the salvation of many.
I ask You to push back the small borders of my vision and unite my heart with missionaries around the world. Make us one in Spirit and give us the strength, courage, hope and love to accomplish our assignment to see every tribe and tongue worship You.
—Adapted from disturb us, lord - Attributed to Sir Francis Drake - 1577
Download this smart phone wallpaper as a reminder to pray all day long!
Today’s motivation
“Today is a gift.” Another quote that goes along with this is, “Don't forget to pray. God didn’t forget to wake you up.” It doesn't say today will be easy. It doesn't say all your wishes will be granted. Any day you can choose to better yourself, choose to love someone, choose to appreciate still being on Earth, is a gift. Don't take it for granted no matter what challenges you're facing today.
—today’s motivation complements of DJVONFIRE
keep daily goals in focus
Think about your goals this way…
☑️ Emotional - The sacrifice you are making is doing a work in you. Keep going!
☑️ Mental - The funds you are saving to give away on Easter are going to do a work through you. Keep going!
☑️ Physical - The fasting and fitness goals you are working towards are a big part of your transformation. Keep going!
Evening Prayer
Set an alarm for this evening so you remember to end your day with God.
God, strengthen my faith in You to the point where I don’t need signs to trust You. Build my confidence in You so that I don’t rely on my wisdom. You have called me so now I rely on Your power and wisdom. Your foolishness is wiser than my wisdom, and Your weakness is stronger than my strength. I put my trust in You! Amen.
Pray for your community—for government leaders, first responders, business leaders, religious leaders, healthcare workers, educational leaders and any other area that comes to mind.