15 / Lost
Pentecost / Hyatt Moore / Oil over acrylic on canvas / 60cm x 120cm
Morning meditation
Read Mark 8:31-38
Why do you think Peter corrected Jesus?
Why does Jesus say that “If a person is ashamed of me and my message…?”
Do you think Peter was ashamed of Jesus and what he was doing?
Are you sometimes embarrassed for people to know you are a Christian?
What does Jesus tell us will happen? How can you not be ashamed?
—Scripture Notes and Additional Questions
Morning Prayer
This week we are asking GOD for powerful testimonies each morning:
Heavenly Father, You made me one of a kind, placed me in the exact time and place You want me, and surrounded me with a unique group of friends and family. Help me demonstrate humility and sacrifice today—considering others before myself, bringing You glory. May Your peace lead me wherever I go and keep me blameless in all my steps. Strengthen me through Your Holy Spirit so my life is a powerful testimony of Your love, grace, and peace. Your divine power has given me everything I need for a godly life!
—Adapted from John 14:26; Philippians 2:3-4; 1 Thessalonians 5:23; 2 peter 1:3
Download this smart phone wallpaper as a reminder to pray all day long!
Today’s motivation
“Don't Look Back. You're not going that way.” Obviously, there should always be time to reflect and relish the good things that have happened in your life. This motivation is about not focusing on your past failures, whether it be from 5 years ago or just yesterday. This is about small steps forward. Day by day and sometimes minute by minute. Don't plan to reflect on 2021 until it's over. Plan to be amazed at what you accomplish.
—Today’s motivation complements of DJV On Fire
keep daily goals in focus
Set yourself up to keep your habits going this week.
☑️ Emotional - Whatever you decided to sacrifice, it’s worth it!
☑️ Mental - If you need some extra focus, check out Philippians 4:8.
☑️ Physical - Every day you stay focused you get closer to your goal.
Evening Prayer
Set an alarm for this evening so you remember to end your day with God.
Lord, I am Your disciple and am learning how to deny myself, take up my cross and follow You. If I want to save my life, I must lose it. And if I lose my life for You and for the gospel, I will save it. What good is it for me to gain the whole world, yet forfeit my soul? And what can I give in exchange for my soul? You are everything to me! Amen.
Pray for a powerful testimony in the lives of your friends.