1 / It's Day One!

Reflection by Odilon Redon / c.1900-05 / Pastel on paper

Reflection by Odilon Redon / c.1900-05 / Pastel on paper

ASH Wednesday

Today is the official first day of Lent. It is traditionally kicked off with a church service where clergy draw a cross shape with ashes on the foreheads of people.

This is the ancient rite of the Imposition of Ashes and is intended to “call to mind our sin and the infinite mercy of God.”

They remind us that “you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” (Genesis 3:19) It’s a somber moment that reminds us that we have a creator and that He has ordained the number of our days.

It is a “symbol of our mortality and a sign of our penitence, that we may remember that it is by God’s grace alone that we receive the gift of eternal life in Jesus.”

—Excerpts from “lenten unity study” sonlight;
and The Book of Common Prayer, Duncan, R.W. (2019).

Morning meditation

Read Isaiah 58:1-12. [Click to read]

  • What adjustments in your life do you need to make?

  • What kind of fast does the Lord want?

  • What promises come when you fast in this way?

  • What are you fasting for your physical habit? Have you written it in your journal and habit tracker? [Download the transformation tracker here.]

—Scripture Notes and Additional Questions

Morning Prayer

This week we are asking GOD for the Spirit of prayer each morning:

Lord, give me the Spirit of prayer—to pray in the Spirit through every situation. I will keep this in focus, so I am on alert, ready to pray fervently for the needs of my brothers and sisters. Help me be anxious for nothing, but in everything passionately pray with thanksgiving and make my requests known to You. And Your peace, which supersedes anything I can understand, will guard my heart and my mind in Christ. Make every prayer I pray effective and accomplish much!

—Adapted from Ephesians 6:18; Philippians 4:6-7; James 5:16

Today’s motivation

“It’s day one!” This quote has dual purpose as today is day one but we want you to think of this everyday when you wake up. You can do anything for just one day. Focus on today and be sure to accomplish something you normally wouldn't do and hit your goals!

today’s motivation courtesy of DJVOnFire

HIT Your Goals Today

Make sure your daily habits are locked in so you can start strong!

☑️ Emotional - What you are giving up for these 40 days? Make it difficult but doable. Remember, this is connected to the tradition of self-denial.

☑️ Mental - Create a generosity jar to collect the funds you set aside each day. Remember, this is connected to the tradition of almsgiving.

☑️ Physical - Get moving today and avoid the food you are fasting. Remember, this is connected to the tradition of fasting (duh).

Evening Prayer

Set an alarm for this evening so you remember to end your day with God.

God, Your word is clear. Your priorities are not a secret. Bring truth to my heart and cause it to break through like the dawn. I need Your healing now! Protect from all angles! Thank you that you hear me when I cry for help. You are with me here, right now. Keep my mouth pure and energize me to serve those who are in need around me. Continue to guide me always! Strengthen my faith and my heart for You. Amen.

Make a list of your immediate family members. Pray for each by name.


Your action is needed!

Virtual India Trip.png

A big part of Transformation Week 3 will be a virtual experience to India, March 7-10! It will stir your heart for what God is doing across the globe. You can register here. Costs go toward the experience box that you will receive. Scholarships are available! Just email info@secondplacechurch.com for scholarship info. Let’s go to India!


Week 1 Family activities

40 Day Overview

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