33 / Nothing



Set a timer for 2 minutes and write out a list, entitle it “things I do for god”—name at least 5 things.

Round 1:


“God, nothing I sacrifice for You can tip the scales in my favor or adequately rise to the level of Your holiness. You alone blot out all my sins and restore to me the joy of my salvation. Any sacrifice I could make, in and of itself, counts for nothing apart from the attitude of my heart. You desire my whole heart, and the only way to give myself completely is to let go of the notion that any part of my heart or my spirit or my life is good apart from You. When I stop trying to justify myself before You, then my heart will find it’s home in Your love.”

Round 2:

Read Psalm 51 and highlight/underline what stands out to you.

Round 3:

Look over the list you made from today’s Warm-Up and cross everything off the list.

Round 4:

Remember jesus through this song:

Burn Out:

Write out these three purposes of lent (especially now as the entire world is experiencing so many challenges):

  1. To consistently think about my need for a Savior

  2. To daily turn away from the wrong things in my life (actions, thoughts, beliefs)

  3. To confidently trust that Jesus has conquered sin and death

All this week:

If you or someone you know needs assistance, needs to talk, or needs to pray with someone please text the Second Place Church team at 708-866-0092. We are in this together!