Day 18: Communities


This segment of the Dangerous pursuit is about intercession. Today you will intercede for the community you live in. Write down the time and place where you are completing this Soul Workout.



“Lord, today I’m standing in the gap for my neighbors and my community. I want to be a part of the catalyst that breaks the yoke of the enemy in my town. As I stand, may the community begin to be rebuilt. Allow Your light to break forth in this neighborhood as people turn to You and surrender their lives to Your plan. Change the landscape and bring Your freedom. We are desperate for it!”

Round 1:

At a minimum, take a 5 minute walk outside in your neighborhood. If you can go longer, do it. Pay attention to the sights and sounds around you. Imagine the people in your town and what they might be needing most.

Round 2:

When you get back from your walk, read Isaiah 58:6-12 and Mark 12:28-31. Underline what stands out to you in this passage.

Round 3:

In your journal, write out the name of your community, your direct neighbors and any community leaders you may know. If you frequent other communities or work in a different town, write those down too.

Burn Out:

Take as much time as you need to intercede for your community. Here are some great things to pray. Pray through a few or all of them. Come back to this list often and stand in the gap for your community:

  • Pray for YOUR neighbors. Pray for each neighbor by name; that they would come to a saving knowledge of Jesus; that faith would be awakened where it is dormant.

  • Pray for healed marriages, healthy families and strong bonds between generations.

  • Pray for healthy, thriving relationships between neighbors built on diversity, understanding and love.

  • Pray for a cultural shift for schools - for strong leadership and wise decisions by administrators; for strength and insight for teachers at all levels as well as staff and volunteers; that our schools will be safe, positive places.

  • Pray for peace and protection in the streets and for the safety of each person in the community including police officers, firemen and any first responder. Pray for first responders by name if you know them.

  • Pray for wisdom, humility and courage for local government leaders as they make decisions for the betterment of the community. Pray for local government leaders by name if you know them.

  • Pray that strongholds would be destroyed through the power of Jesus’ name: racism, alcoholism, abuse of all kinds, crime, violence and greed would all be broken so that the community can flourish.

Sometime this week:

If you are able, fast this week. Choose a day and fast a meal, two meals or the whole day. During the time you would normally eat, take some extra time to focus on God through prayer or reading. If you are not sure if fasting is okay for you, consult your doctor.

DangerousJoe DascenzoComment