Day 1: Pursuit
“God, these next 20 days are dedicated to pursuing You. Prepare my heart to discover things I’ve never known; to receive new revelations, to grow in my intimacy with You, and to encounter the power of God like never before. No one comes to You unless You draw them, so thank You for drawing me. I’m ready for this!”
Round 1:
Get your journal out and write down the time and place you plan to complete your Soul Workout each day.
Round 2:
Write out Psalm 63:1 in your journal.
Round 3:
Write down one area of your life where you need a breakthrough. Circle it.
Write down one thing you will sacrifice for all 20 days. (i.e. coffee, chocolate, Netflix, etc.)
Burn Out:
Take a few minutes to settle some things with God. Pray:
“God, I am determined to pursue You over the next 20 days. I am devoting my heart and soul to complete each Soul Workout at [insert time and place from Round 1]. I’m setting this as my meeting with you each day.”
Now think of someone who you can invite to join you in your pursuit. Text or call them and invite them. If they want to join you, they can text PRAY to (708) 295 3589.
Sometime this week:
If you are able, fast this week. Choose a day and fast a meal, two meals or the whole day. During the time you would normally eat, take some extra time to focus on God through prayer or reading. If you are not sure if fasting is okay for you, consult your doctor.