Day 9: Servant


// Florence Nightingale //

"And I attribute my success to this: I never gave or took an excuse."


Pray: “Lord, Nehemiah understood who he was. First and foremost, he was a servant of God. This was not a question for him. I need this perspective in my heart. I am your servant. Speak to me. Show me how you have gifted me. Reveal to me how you have strengthened me. Stir up the mission inside me that You have for me. I’m ready.”

Round 1:

Read Nehemiah 1:6 and 1:11.

Then read 1 Peter 4:10-11 out loud 3 times.

Round 2:

Write out the following in your journal:

  • God, I am Your servant.

  • You have given me gifts.

  • You have given me strengths.

  • You have a mission for me to accomplish.

Round 3:

Next to each of the lines in Round 2, write down how you see that in your life:

  • How do you serve God?

  • What gift(s) has He given you?

  • What strength(s) has He developed in you?

  • What mission might He have for you?

Burn Out:

Look over what you wrote down in Round 3. Think of someone in your life who you can serve. Maybe they are hurting or struggling in some way. Write down their name and need. Ask God for an idea of how you could serve them. Make a plan to help them today, follow through and do it.