Day 52: Just Take The Next Step
Nehemiah built a wall in 52 days. It’s time to celebrate your 52 day journey! Congratulations on completing this amazing trip together!
Warm Up:
Watch this video:
Round 1:
Write out the latest version of your purpose statement. Yes, again.
Round 2:
Set a timer for 5 minutes and think about the next steps you COULD take to move your mission forward…
Is there a new skill you could learn that would help you kickstart your mission?
Is there a new relationship that you need to seek out that could start to build a support system for your mission?
Is there something related to your health that you need to adjust?
Is there a place at your church where you can serve right now that might help you start living out your purpose?
Round 3:
Identify one to three NEXT STEPS that will really help you live out your purpose. Write them down along with a timeframe to get them done.
Round 4:
Listen to this song that was written, produced and recorded during these 52 days. As you listen, celebrate all that God has done in your life during this time…
“God, what a journey this has been—AND I’M JUST GETTING STARTED! This isn’t a sprint, it’s a marathon and I’m in it for the long haul. Be with me as I continue to pursue the BETTER STORY You have placed in my heart. As I take each step, fuel my walk with the GIFTS you have given me, the CORE VALUES you have instilled in me and the EXPERIENCES that have brought me this far. I’m still humbled by the fact that I am an integral part of Your plan to change the world for the better—to bring HEAVEN TO EARTH. May I not just end up somewhere, may I end up SOMEWHERE ON PURPOSE.”
share your experience:
Sometime today share your experience with the Soul Workouts and the Change Your World program. How have they affected you?
share your thoughts in the comment section below…