Day 51: You Know What You Know


Warm Up:


“Lord, I don’t want to end up somewhere, I want to end up somewhere on purpose! I don’t need to know the entire plan to take the next step. Honestly, if I knew the whole plan I would never follow through. You know it and I know it. I don’t know what I don’t know and that’s okay. Remind me that I know what I know and that’s all I need to know to take the next step. Help me set myself up to take it!”

Round 1:

Write out the latest version of your purpose statement.

Round 2:

Think about new boundaries you need to set in order to pursue your purpose. What lines do you need to draw that you won’t cross?

  • Do you need to manage your relationships differently by setting some social boundaries?

  • Do you need to manage your budget differently by setting some financial boundaries?

  • Do you need to manage your time differently and set some schedule boundaries?

  • Write down some boundaries that will set you up to move forward with your mission.

Round 3:

Where do you need margin in your life? You need to say NO to many good things so you can say YES to the best thing. Round 2 above and this round work together. By setting boundaries you will create margin.

  • Write down how creating margin in your life would allow you to move your mission forward.


Look back over today’s workout and how much you already know. You know what you need to do. All you need to do now is DO IT. Ask God to empower you to follow through with the things you wrote down today.

share your experience:

Sometime today or tomorrow share your experience with the Soul Workouts and the Change Your World program. How have they affected you?

share your thoughts in the comment section below…