Day 5: Think Fast


The goal of fasting is not to make it easy, but to spark a hunger for God. fasting is abstaining from food for spiritual purposes.


Today, your challenge is to fast one meal. Target the meal you will fast today. Plan to spend the time that you would normally use for your meal to pray and read through the scriptures below. Keep your journal close by while you are fasting and all day long. Note anything that the Lord shows you or speaks to you. Connect with a friend and challenge them to fast with you today. Having a friend to talk to throughout the day can be a source of encouragement.

Round 1:

Nehemiah fasted because his fellow people and Jerusalem were not okay. What breakthrough do you need? Write down WHY you are fasting a meal today. Look over your list of things that are not okay. If you need more ideas on WHY you are fasting, look over the lists in Round 2 and 3 below…

Round 2:

RIGHT Motivations for Fasting:

  • Repentance.

  • Spiritual strength against an enemy attack.

  • To break spiritual bondage.

  • To awaken a spiritual hunger for God.

  • To test and see what desires control us.

  • To forfeit good things for the better and best.

  • To express our ache for His return. John 4:32

  • To demonstrate our love and desire for God above all things.

  • To divide our bread with the poor. Isaiah 58:6,7

Wrong Motivations for Fasting:

Round 3:

Biblical Examples of Fasting:

  • Jesus fasted to acknowledge His dependence and to gain spiritual strength through reliance on the Holy Spirit and God’s Word. He did this before He began His public ministry. Luke 4:1-2

  • Nehemiah fasted for confession, repentance, and favor in the sight of the king to get permission to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem. Nehemiah 1:4

  • David humbled himself for God to intervene because of injustice. Psalm 35:13

  • In 2 Samuel 12:17, 23, David fasted for healing and miraculous intervention.

  • Mordecai and the Jews fasted upon hearing news of Haman’s wicked plot for their extermination. Esther 4:3

  • The Early Church fasted while worshiping and committing their ministry to the Lord. They also sought the Lord through fasting for guidance, confirmation and the appointment of elders. Acts 13:2; 14:23

  • Jesus expected His disciples to fast, but He did not command it. Matthew 6:16

Burn Out:

Pray this now and as many times as you need to today:

“God, I need you to move in my life. You see my heart. As I fast today, may I be reminded of how dependent I am on food. Stir up a desire in me to have the same focus Jesus did when He was fasted: that I will not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. Make that enough for me today. And when I get hungry, may it be a reminder to pray for the breakthrough I need. Awaken me to the work you are doing in my heart today!”

Is Fasting Safe?

Most people can safely go without food for a whole day. Your challenge is to fast one meal today. Kids under 12, the elderly, pregnant or nursing women, and people with certain medical conditions should be cautious when fasting. If you or your parent have any concerns about fasting, be sure to check with a doctor first. If you are unable to fast a meal there are good alternatives:

  • Fast coffee

  • Fast junk food

  • Fast media (Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, etc.)

  • Fast accessing your phone

  • Fast something you depend on. Something you will notice if you edit it out of your day.

This Soul Workout is based on information from this link and this link.