Day 40: Fight


WARM up:

What this video:

Read Nehemiah 4:14 and underline the word FIGHT.

Today, you’re going to fight through defining some things about God’s purpose for your life. Take a minute right now to look back at a few important pieces:

  • Round 3 of Day 18

  • Your spiritual gifts

  • Your core values

  • Your past experiences

ROUND 1: who

WHO do I feel drawn to help or work with? Write it down or pick one from the following list (this list might help get your thinking kick-started).

  • Children

  • Women

  • Men

  • Single Moms

  • Students

  • Elderly

  • Families

  • Homeless

  • the marginalized

  • Married Couples

  • Those who are suffering

  • My neighbors

  • Those in other countries

ROUND 2: what

WHAT do you feel led to do with these people? Write it down or pick one from the following list (this list might help get the juices flowing).

  • encourge

  • Inspire

  • Develop

  • Foster

  • Train

  • Speak

  • Teach

  • Care

  • Mentor

  • Host

  • Organize

  • Lead

Round 3: HOW

HOW do you see yourself working with these people? Write it down or pick one from the following list (this list might help inspire you).

  • providing basic life skills

  • helping grow their faith

  • strengthening their relationships

  • guiding them through life’s ups and downs

  • sharing God’s love with them in practical ways

  • showing them how to manage their money

  • overcoming struggles in their lives

  • learning how live a healthy lifestyle

  • getting them the help they need

  • connecting resources and opportunities

  • deepening their faith in God

  • growing their ability to lead others



“God, I’m working through the mission you’ve dropped in my heart. Continue to clarify those you’ve called me to impact. Expand how I understand what I can do to work with them. Solidify my ideas on how I can help them. Encourage my heart as I pursue You. Help me remember that Your mission is always outward focused—it always involves leading people back to You. I want my life to make a difference in this world!”

Sometime this week:

Create a diagram of your work over the past few weeks…here’s how:

  1. Circle 1: list your core values

  2. circle 2: List your spiritual gifts

  3. circle 3: List what god taught you in each chapter of your past experiences

Ven Diagram - Gifts, Experiences, Values.jpg