Day 17: Freaking Out




“Lord, Nehemiah was VERY MUCH AFRAID when he went before the king—but he chose to move past his fears. I can do that too. I will let Your Spirit move in me today—not a spirit of fear, but a Spirit of power, love and self-control. Empower me today. Inspire me to love well today. Give me the self-control I need today. As I go through my day, let my fears fall off me and be replaced with confident trust that You are working great things in me.”

Round 1:

Read Nehemiah 2:2; and say 2 Timothy 1:3-9 out loud.

Round 2:

Go back to Round 3 of Day 9. What gifts did you write down? Write them down again in your journal. If you didn’t do Day 9, think about the gifts you might have and write them in your journal. Your gifts are one clue to God’s mission for your life.

Round 3:

Write down what scares you about changing the world.

Think back as far as you can and write down the first time you felt this fear.

Write down any other moments when you freaked out (were overwhelmed by fear).

Round 4:

Go back over your list of fears in Round 3. Ask yourself why these fears are so real to you. What exactly are you afraid of? Are these fears founded? Are these fears overstated? Should they be allowed to control your actions?

Burn Out:

What fears did you write down in Round 3? Take them to God in prayer. Call them out as things that you can overcome with God’s help. Pray about what you wrote in Round 4 and leave those fears in your journal, not in your mind. Now shift your thoughts outward. Think of your family and friends and what fears they may be facing. Pick one person and pray for them.

Sometime This Week:

Set aside 15-30 minutes and take the Spiritual Gifts test at the following link. It’s free but you need to create a login to take it. This will help you identify God’s unique call on your life.

Link to Spiritual Gifts assessment: