Day 29: Lord’s Prayer in Action 2
Rewatch the video from Day 28 if you need to be reminded of the goals for praying through the Lord’s Prayer.
Before you dive into your prayer time today, look back over your journal for the last couple of days. What is God doing in your life? What is He whispering to you? Write down any impressions you feel God is giving you.
Warm Up: 3 minutes
Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name,
Choose one of the names that describe God below. Praise Him for that name. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you in that way. Write down how God is moving in your life in this way.
Jehovah-tsidkenu = Jehovah my righteousness
Jehovah-m ‘Kaddesh = Jehovah who sanctifies me
Jehovah-shalom = Jehovah is my peace
Jehovah-shammah = Jehovah is there
Jehovah-rophe = Jehovah heals me
Jehovah-jireh = Jehovah’s provisions shall be seen
Jehovah-nissi = Jehovah my banner
Jehovah-rohi = Jehovah my shepherd
Round 1: 3 Minutes
your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.
Focus on one area to pray for His kingdom to come and His will to be done.
His Kingdom come, His will be done in YOUR LIFE.
His Kingdom come, His will be done in YOUR FAMILY.
His Kingdom come, His will be done in YOUR CHURCH.
His Kingdom come, His will be done in YOUR NATION.
Round 2: 3 Minutes
Give us today our daily bread.
Write down your most urgent need. Bring this need before God and ask Him to meet it in a way that brings glory to Him. It may be physical, emotional, mental, relational or spiritual. Of course, if you have more than one pressing need, bring it to Him! Other ideas:
Pray for God’s provision.
Pray for God’s protection.
Pray for God’s people.
Round 3: 3 Minutes
And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.
Spend this time thinking the past 24 hours and any sins you need God to forgive. Pray through the prayer in the Burn Out on Day 16, if needed.
Commission: Any sins you are struggling with in your thoughts, words, or actions.
Omission: Any good that you knew you should do but chose not to do.
Unintentional: Any sins that you have done unintentionally (or ask God to reveal any since they may not be obvious.)
Also spend time thinking through any wrongful, hurtful, or offensive act that was committed against you over the past 24 hours.
If needed, work through the process of forgiveness from Round 3 of Day 18.
burn out: 3 Minutes
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.
If you are struggling with temptation, bring it to God and bring it to a trusted friend.
Choose one part of the armor of God below and equip yourself for the day:
The belt of truth. “Tighten the belt of truth around the core of who I am in You. May Your truth be the foundation of my confidence, hope and trust.”
The breastplate of righteousness. Today I put on righteousness as my body armor. Right standing with You leads to right living empowered by You. As a soldier’s breastplate protects his chest from an enemy’s attack, so right living guards my heart against the assaults of the enemy.
Feet fitted with peace. “Fit my feet with Your peace so that I am sure-footed and can stand strong. When I enter hand-to-hand combat in spiritual warfare, make my feet strong. When I need to sidestep the enemy or run right at a problem, keep my feet on Your path so my ankles do not give way. When I just need to stand in faith, make me immovable.”
The shield of faith. “I take up the shield of faith to protect my entire life. Just as a shield protects a soldier from attack so my faith in You extinguishes the spiritual onslaught coming against me. Doubt, lies, despair, confusion, anxiety, fear and any other “flaming arrow” has no power over me. I put my confident trust in You and You alone!”
The helmet of salvation. “Just as a soldier places a helmet on their head when they face impending danger, I place the helmet of salvation over my mind. I am protected when I face attacks on my intellect, will and thoughts. I do not fear where I stand with You.”
The sword of the Spirit. “Your word is what I bring to the battlefield. When I am assaulted by the enemy’s attack I fight back like Jesus did—with Your word. Your word is revealed to me by the Holy Spirit in my heart. May I be a student of it and allow it to read me as much as I read it. My life is only a moment in time, but Your word endures forever.”