Day 16: Forgive Me
Today we turn our focus to this part of the Lord’s prayer:
“forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”
If we want our prayer time to be effective, we must let God expose areas of sin that we need to address.
Warm Up:
Find a separate piece of paper to use for Round 1-3 today.
Write down what comes to mind for each round below on that separate sheet of paper. After the burnout, destroy the piece of paper. Toss it. Burn it. Flush it (maybe not). Whatever.
Round 1: Commission
Pray Psalm 51:3-4—For I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me. Against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil in your sight;
Write down any sins you are struggling with in your thoughts, words, or actions. (sin of commission)
Round 2: Omission
Pray James 4:17—If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn’t do it, it is sin for them.
Write down any good that you knew you should do but chose not to do. (Sin of omission)
Round 3: unintentional
Pray Psalm 139:23-24—Search me, God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me…
Write down any sins that you have done unintentionally (or ask God to reveal any since they may not be obvious)
Burn Out:
level up through confession and prayer:
“Lord, I can say and do all the right things to keep Your commands, and still have my heart far from You.
I come to You now to deal with my heart. In true humility—choosing to trust You with myself, I bring my wickedness (take a moment here to confess things you wrote in Round 1), my weakness (take a moment here to confess things you wrote in Round 2), and my ignorance (take a moment her to confess things you wrote in Round 3). I offer it all to You, asking You to cast it away as far away as the east is from the west—trusting You for my forgiveness.
I declare that my heart longs for more than external obedience. I announce that You have given me a new heart and put Your spirit in me so that I long to keep Your commands. I announce that when You made my heart new, You gave me the “want to’s” in exchange for the “have to’s.” I announce that what is ultimately true about my heart is that your desires and my desires are the same.
I surrender my identity to You. I confess all of the ways in which I have sought to define my identity apart from You. I confess all the ways in which I have misused or abdicated my true strength as Your child. Continue to show me my true identity in You, and help me grow up so I can walk in the truth of who I am in You.
I surrender the hidden parts of who I am. I confess all the ways which I have hidden my heart, my wickedness, my weakness, and my wounds. Thank You that through Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection to new life, You bring life from my brokenness. I choose now to come out of hiding and live in Your light.
I surrender all I am—my mind, will, emotions, spirit, and body. Thank You that through my surrendered weaknesses and wounds, You are able to bear fruit for Your kingdom. I accept Your call on my life, acknowledging that You have given me breath today to walk with You as Your beloved child.
Finally, I announce that it is only by the shed blood of Jesus—His death, resurrection, and ascension—that I am forgiven, cleansed, and restored to new life. Because of Jesus’ life, death, and work, I announce that just as I am, I am perfectly acceptable and holy to You.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Amen.”