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Jesus said to him, “Away from me, Satan! For it is written: ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve him only.’” Then the devil left him, and angels came and attended him.—Matthew 4:10-11
“Jesus, from the first moments of Your ministry, You were good at saying ‘No.’ You told the devil ‘No’ when he fired temptation after temptation at You. Saying ‘No’ continued as You refused to let the Law overshadow Love. You said ‘No’ to the religious leaders of Your day. You said ‘No’ to angels assisting You. But saying ‘No’ simply meant that You were saying ‘Yes’ to so much more. You said ‘Yes’ to God’s plan. You said ‘Yes’ to befriending a ragtag group of people just like me. Ultimately, You said ‘Yes’ to the cross and that ‘Yes’ has changed my life forever.”
Round 1:
Read Isaiah 53:1–6. highlight/underline/write down what stands out to you.
Round 2:
Read Psalm 22. highlight/underline/write down what stands out to you.
Round 3:
Download the “Supply list” PDF and gather the items you need to create “the way of the cross” good friday experience in your home.
Burn Out:
Plan when You will walk through the good friday experience in your home. if you don’t have a home church, join second place church for a good friday worship service at 7pm on facebook and youtube.
good friday experience:
The Way of the Cross is a Spiritual experience for Good Friday written by my friend, Jon Klinepeter. This experience is designed to be done in any home setting and can be done in as little as 20 minutes, or could take a few hours, depending on how deeply you want to reflect and engage. It can also be an individual Spiritual experience for you to walk through alone, or an entire family can walk through it together. And, it’s quarantine friendly. All of the supplies should be handy around your home.
Below are links to PDF documents that will help you prepare and experience The Way of the Cross, as well as a few links to Spotify.
The Way of The Cross Soundtrack: This is a link to a Spotify playlist that has been created to be the background music for your experience. You can either play it in order or shuffle the playlist. Music can be helpful to set a tone and broaden the depth of the experience for you. Enjoy!
The Way of The Cross Heartbeat: This is a link to a Spotify playlist that has a heartbeat sound, which will be used for one of the stations.
All this week:
If you or someone you know needs assistance, needs to talk, or needs to pray with someone please text the Second Place Church team at 708-866-0092. We are in this together!