Day 12: Listening


Today, we turn a corner where we will pursue God by listening for what he is saying to us. Write down the time and place where you are completing this Soul Workout.


Pick one of these verses and write it out in your journal:

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.—Romans 10:17

My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me.—John 10:27

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it.”—Isaiah 30:21

Round 1:

Look over the following list of weapons the enemy uses against us. Write down the one you struggle with most:

  • Being easily distracted

  • Feeling confused

  • Overwhelmed by voices from multiple sources

  • Unable to be still and listen

  • Constant pressure to be productive

  • doubting that God can speak through His word

  • believing you are unable to hear god

Round 2:

To combat what you circled in Round 1, meditate on God’s truth. Set a timer for 1 minutes and focus on, ponder and keep re-reading the scriptures from the Warm-Up.

Round 3:

Read 1 Samuel 3:2-5 and Psalm 139:17-18.

Note how Samuel stayed near God’s presence in the Tabernacle and gave God his “yes” before he knew why God was calling him. Pay attention to the high priority the Psalmist places on God’s direction—and the vast amount that is available to you.

Burn Out:

This is a 5 minute grind to end today’s workout…Set a 5 minute timer and find a place that is free of distraction. Start your 5 minutes by praying this out loud, “Speak Lord, your servant is listening.” Then quiet your heart and focus on God’s goodness and His desire to reveal Himself to you. Give Him your full attention. Have your journal ready and write down what you sense God speaking to your heart. Remember, God’s voice is always in line with what He has already spoken in His written word. Test what you hear against what you find in scripture.

Sometime this week:

If you are able, fast this week. Choose a day and fast a meal, two meals or the whole day. During the time you would normally eat, take some extra time to focus on God through prayer or reading. If you are not sure if fasting is okay for you, consult your doctor.