Day 48: Don't Stray


WARM up:


“God, you know me and still love me! You see when I sit down and when I rise up; You know my thoughts before I do. You have prepared an awesome adventure for me and You know when I need to rest. You know everything I need to do before I do it. Even before a word comes out of my mouth, You know it through and through. You make me secure and place your hand on me. Understanding why and how You do this is beyond me. Where can I go from Your Spirit? Where can I run from your presence? If I climb to heaven, You are there! If I die, you are there! If I sail to the uttermost parts of the sea, even there Your voice will guide me, and your right hand will hold me. My mission is for You. All glory be to You, Jesus.”


Nehemiah was convinced that he could do nothing without God. He consistently turned his attention to God. Read Psalm 139 and John 6:66-69.


What are you leaning on, relying on or depending on rather than God? Where are you placing your faith? Make a list of these things. Take a moment to pray the prayer in the WARM UP above again. Declare that God is the only one you can truly depend on.

Round 3:

Write down the working sentence you are using for your Purpose Statement. Next to it, write this phrase:

“All glory be to Christ”


Listen to this song:

EVERY DAY this week:

Refer back to Day 41 and re-write your purpose statement AGAIN. If you are not settled on it, write down a rough sentence that starts with this:

God has created me with a mission for my life, and I think it is...

Remember, this can change and be modified as time goes on! Just get something on paper!