Day 44: Don't Get Distracted
Warm Up:
“Lord, fix my eyes on You. In order to pursue my purpose I need to be focused. Make me aware of the things in my life that are distracting me from my mission. My calling is worth so much more than any distraction. It’s not worth slowing down my pursuit to waste time with things that don’t propel me forward. Give me eyes to see the distractions I need to eliminate and the determination to eliminate them. Lord, strengthen my resolve!”
Round 1:
Set a timer for 5 minutes. Sit quietly before God. Say nothing. As thoughts come to you, bring them back to God. If something is really distracting, write it down so it can be set aside. Focus, instead, on your mission statement, gifts or core values.
Round 2:
Read Nehemiah 6:1-2; and John 3:16-17
Round 3:
Listen to this song:
Burn Out:
Make a list of everything you can think of that is distracting you from your purpose. Then look over this list and determine which distractions you will eliminate. What (or who) is NOT related to your mission but is consuming your time and energy? Make a commitment to God to reduce or eliminate the things in your life that are distracting you. Start by eliminating at least one thing off your list TODAY.
Everyday this week:
Refer back to Day 41 and re-write your purpose statement. If you are not settled on it, write down a rough sentence that starts with this:
God has created me with a mission for my life, and I think it is...
Remember, this can change and be modified as time goes on! Just get something on paper!