What Are The Disciplines?
The spiritual disciplines are time-tested tools that help us interact with our faith and God. Here is a list of disciplines Soul Workouts touch on (this is not an exhaustive list):
Disciplines of Action
Study - Spending time reading the Scriptures and meditating on its meaning and importance to our lives.
Worship - Offering praise and adoration to God.
Prayer - Talking to and listening to God about your relationship with Him and about the concerns of others.
Fellowship - Mutual caring and ministry in the body of Christ.
Confession - Regularly confess your sins to the Lord and other trusted individuals.
Submission - Humbling yourself before God and others while seeking accountability in relationships.
Disciplines of INAction
Solitude - Spending time alone to be with God.
Fasting - Skipping something to find greater nourishment from God.
Frugality - Learning to live with less money and still meet your basic needs
Secrecy - Avoiding self-promotion, serving God without others knowing.
Sacrifice - Giving of our resources beyond what seems reasonable to remind us of our dependence on Christ.
Silence - Removing noisy distractions to hear from God.
Shout out to Dallas Willard and his book The Spirit of the Disciplines. Much of this list is inspired from that book.