Day 19: Pray Hard



INSIST on being quiet...Find a quiet place where you can be alone. Set a timer for 5 minutes and sit quietly. Pay attention to your breathing. Slow it down and allow your body to relax and prepare to hear from God.

Round 1:

Write out Nehemiah 2:4. Then read Psalm 5:1-3.

Round 2:

Think back to what breaks your heart and freaks you out...


“Lord, You know the burden I have. Don’t let this be something that I point to on the outside. INTERNALIZE this burden I feel and deepen my desire to make a difference. Help me feel the weight of owning it and learning to carry out the vision You have for me.”

Round 3:


“Father, INSPIRE my heart to trust You more. Increase my faith in the fact that You are the one who began a good work in me. Fuel my confidence to know that you will be faithful to complete that good work in me. May that good work bring hope to many.”

Round 4:


“God, You have a vision of what you want me to accomplish. INFUSE that vision in my heart and mind. Maybe I will see it clearly, maybe it will take more time. Either way, sensitize me to it so I can be ready to act when the time is right.”

Burn Out:

How can you INITIATE a response to God? In the same way Nehemiah crafted a response to the king when he asked him what he wanted, how do you respond to God when He asks you the same? This isn’t to clarify what you need so He understands better. It’s to clarify what you need so you understand better! So take a moment and write out a prayer—how would you like His help changing the world?…

Sometime This Week:

Set aside 15-30 minutes and take the Spiritual Gifts test at the following link. It’s free but you need to create a login to take it. This will help you identify God’s unique call on your life.

Link to Spiritual Gifts assessment: