Day 2: Wired




“God, thank you for preparing specific projects, tasks, conversations and activities specifically for me to accomplish today.” Ask Him to heighten your awareness of the people and problems around you.

Round 1:

Read Ephesians 2:10 in at least 3 different translations of the Bible. NIV, Amplified and The Message.

Round 2:

Write down Ephesians 2:10 and circle any references to God. Then draw arrows from those words to word that reference you.

Round 3:

write down at least three ways God has uniquely made you - your strengths, gifts and talents. (If you can’t think of 3, ask a friend or family member to chime in.)

Burn Out:

Allow yourself to slow down today and be sensitive to the needs of someone else. Offer to help them in some practical way.

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