7 / Wednesday

Identity: I will operate out of who God says I am rather than what I think or what other people say.

Identity: I will operate out of who God says I am rather than what I think or what other people say.


And the tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.” —Matthew 4:3

Staying focused for 40 days is difficult but Jesus did it. This is the beginning of the second week of Lent so let’s hit some reminders. The focus of these 40 days is three-fold…

Write down the following phrases.

  1. I consistently think about my need for a Savior

  2. I daily repent of the dumb things I do

  3. I confidently trust that Jesus has conquered sin and death

Circle the phrase that is hard for you to focus on.

What did you circle?

What comfort or pleasure did you subtract from your life? When you feel the pain of hunger, the desire to watch Netflix, or the consuming desire to buy something, allow your thoughts to turn…

What positive thing did you add to your life? When you choose to eat healthy, or to spend extra time reading, or to exercise, allow your thoughts to turn to this:

Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! And see if there be any grievous way in me…—Psalm 139:23-24