5 / Monday

Identity: I will operate out of who God says I am rather than what I think or what other people say.

Identity: I will operate out of who God says I am rather than what I think or what other people say.


And the tempter came and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command these stones to become loaves of bread.” —Matthew 4:3

Jesus was tempted to act outside of His identity as the Son of God. He didn’t bite. You do.

When you give in and act outside of your identity, repentance becomes a your only way back.

Write down the following phrases:

  • I’ll never do that again. (Resolve)

  • I can’t believe I did that. (Remorse)

  • I need Jesus because I am prone to wander. (True repentance)

Circle the phrase that bests describes how you respond when you fall short.

True repentance drives you to the mercy and forgiveness of God. When you focus on trying to do better or feeling bad about your struggle you wander outside of your identity.


“Father in heaven, when I turn away from my sin and receive what Jesus has done for me, my identity changes from condemned to forgiven. I will trust in the death of Jesus Christ instead of trusting in my own efforts. I will stop trying to pile up good deeds to outweigh my sin. I will trust in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, instead of trying to change through my own efforts. The days of me trying to change my heart through sheer will power are over. Forgive me for neglecting your grace. Forgive me and heal me, for Your glory. Amen.”