January 2021 Soul Workout
Warm up: Transformation
Pray the this prayer for transformation every morning in January:
“God, when I consider Your goodness, mercy and love, I offer my body, mind and heart as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to You. This is my true and proper worship. I am not conforming to the pattern of the world that I see around me, but I am transformed by the renewing of my mind. I am able to test and approve what Your will is—Your good, pleasing and perfect will. Thank you, God! Amen.”
Round 1: Sacrifice
Choose one thing to fast every day this month. Social media. Coffee. Chocolate. Pick something that will get your attention each time you have to go without it.
Sacrifice = giving up something you love for something you love more.
Remember, the goal is to keep the fire lit once you start it. If you miss a day, don’t miss two.
Round 2: YOUR WHY
Decide WHY you are giving up that thing from Round 1. Which of the following reasons are why you are making a sacrifice?
Round 3: Your Why Written
Write out your “why” on an index card or post-it note. Something like this:
God, I am fasting for (alignment, breakthrough, clarity) in (this part of my life) because…(finish your thoughts in your own words).
Put the index card or post-it note somewhere you will see and read it out loud every day.
Burn Out: Just go
Brainstorm a way for you to engage differently with your church family. Maybe it means commenting during an online service. Maybe it means sending a personal note to someone you miss seeing. Maybe it’s preparing your family to do church at home during an online service.
Once you determine how you will engage differently, start planning and preparing to make it happen. Then just go and do it!